Teachers FAQs
With Helen Doron English, you can choose your career path. We give you the support. You create the career you want.
What opportunities are there for Helen Doron teachers?
As a Helen Doron English teacher, you can choose the career track which best suits your lifestyle. It offers greater flexibility to tailor your working hours around personal and family commitments. You can grow within Helen Doron, changing your career options to meet your needs and aspirations. Options include learning centre teachers, self-employed teachers, learning studio franchisees, and even large group learning. Speak to us about the opportunity that’s right for you. Many of our teachers have gone on to become Learning Centre Franchisers (LCFs) and some have become Master Franchisors
What support do I receive from Helen Doron English?
Helen Doron English has a wealth of resources developed to create an enriched learning experience. Teaching sets include teacher guides, flashcards, books, DVDs and CDs, and other teaching aids to get you started in your new career.
Our online Teacher Portal offers downloadable teaching materials, pedagogic updates, a seminar calendar, and more. In our Teacher’s Forum, you will benefit from articles about our courses, pedagogic updates, teaching advice, developments from Head Office, and ideas for prop-making. You can pose questions, offer answers and receive feedback.
We offer a wide range of teaching seminars which help you stay current on new and updated material as well as qualify in courses not taught in the original Teacher Training Course. You will be required to attend at least one seminar per year. All teachers attend an Annual Conference that gives insights on various aspects of child development and education and provides in-depth course trainings.
How do I qualify to become a Helen Doron Early English teacher?
Take the First Step. Sign Up for a Training Course.
We will help you find a spot in the next course at the time and place best suited to you. Courses are run throughout the year in many different locations, so there is sure to be one convenient for you. Courses are generally divided into two days of introduction and evaluation, and three days of in-depth training. You can choose from teaching kids (ages 0-11) or teens (11-19).
What is a typical lesson like?
The lessons focus on whole brain learning: activities that involve the different senses including songs, games, crafts, dancing and movement, drama and more. Teachers take into account children’s different learning styles — Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic (VAK) — when planning props, activities and games, and make sure each lesson consists of activities, which uses all these sensory modalities. A typical lesson is dynamic, with a variety of activities and games to introduce and review vocabulary and language structures, as well as unique songs with movements. Teachers encourage spontaneous speaking, using full sentences and spontaneous communication in the classroom.
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