As a Helen Doron English teacher, you can choose the career track which best suits your lifestyle. It ‎offers greater flexibility to tailor your working hours around personal and family commitments. You ‎can grow within Helen Doron, changing your career options to meet your needs and aspirations. ‎Options include learning centre teachers, self-employed teachers, learning studio franchisees, and ‎even large group learning. Speak to us about the opportunity that’s right for you. Many of our ‎teachers have gone on to become Learning Centre Franchisers (LCFs) and some have become ‎Master Franchisors‎
Helen Doron English has a wealth of resources developed to create an enriched learning ‎experience. Teaching sets include teacher guides, flashcards, books, DVDs and CDs, and other ‎teaching aids to get you started in your new career. ‎ Our online Teacher Portal offers downloadable teaching materials, pedagogic updates, a seminar ‎calendar, and more. In our Teacher’s Forum, you will benefit from articles about our courses, ‎pedagogic updates, teaching advice, developments from Head Office, and ideas for prop-making. ‎You can pose questions, offer answers and receive feedback. ‎ We offer a wide range of teaching seminars which help you stay current on new and updated ‎material as well as qualify in courses not taught in the original Teacher Training Course. You will be ‎required to attend at least one seminar per year. All teachers attend an Annual Conference that ‎gives insights on various aspects of child development and education and provides in-depth course ‎trainings. ‎
Take the First Step. Sign Up for a Training Course. We will help you find a spot in the next course at the time and place best suited to you. Courses are ‎run throughout the year in many different locations, so there is sure to be one convenient for you. ‎Courses are generally divided into two days of introduction and evaluation, and three days of in-‎depth training. You can choose from teaching kids (ages 0-11) or teens (11-19).‎
The lessons focus on whole brain learning: activities that involve the different senses including ‎songs, games, crafts, dancing and movement, drama and more. Teachers take into account ‎children’s different learning styles — Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic (VAK) — when planning ‎props, activities and games, and make sure each lesson consists of activities, which uses all these ‎sensory modalities. A typical lesson is dynamic, with a variety of activities and games to introduce ‎and review vocabulary and language structures, as well as unique songs with movements. Teachers ‎encourage spontaneous speaking, using full sentences and spontaneous communication in the ‎classroom.‎


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