More than English, Values for Life
Over the past 30 years, I have seen and experienced how the Helen Doron methodology has helped children successfully learn English. While I am gratified that the method has been effective, I was interested to hear from teachers, teacher trainers, franchisees and
The Best Way to Teach English
Finding the Best Way to Teach English When my daughter Ella was four years old, she began learning to play the violin with the Suzuki method, which teaches young children to play musical instrument before reading notation. Dr Suzuki called this ‘the
Should English Teachers be Teaching Values?
When we teach, values are always implicit. Showing respect for others, taking turns, assuming responsibility and turning in assignments on time are key values that are an integral part of what students learn in school. These values teach children not only to
Helen Doron Methodology Provides Much More than Learning English
Bosnian parents Vedrana Removic and her husband Boris are the proud parents of eight-year-old Rajna and two-year-old Leona. Rajna has been a student at Helen Doron Novo Sarajevo for 3½ years, and Leona will begin classes there next autumn. The family speaks
Young Heroes Campaign Leads Change in Communities
Join Helen Doron English students in their drive to become better world citizens The Helen Doron Educational Group’s new campaign, Young Heroes, encourages children to work together for the betterment of their communities. Young Heroes will inspire children everywhere to unleash their
Spiral Learning – A Successful Approach to Learning for Your Child
More than 2 million children have learnt English through the Helen Doron methodology. What is the secret to your success? How does the method work? There are many features of the methodology that contribute to its success, let’s focus now on the
How to Nurture and Develop the EQ of Young Children
Helen, in this age of technology where families are often separated and rely on electronic communication to stay connected, how did you develop such a loving relationship with your grandson, Rohan, who lives in Korea? We speak as often as we can,
How Your Baby Learns Before Birth and What You Can Do To Help
We all know how important early brain stimulation and development is, but did you know that children start learning when they are still in the womb? Pre-birth is just as important as the first year of a child’s life. In fact, Korean
6 Ways to Enhance Your Child’s Brain Development
Your young child learns rapidly like the speed of light — from ages birth to three—producing 700 new neural connections every second! You can help him/her reach their potential as this developing brain growth is influenced by many factors, including a child’s
What to Do When Your Bilingual Child Won’t Speak Your Language
Today’s blog question: My child understands English, but he doesn’t seem to want to speak and answers in his native tongue. How can I encourage him to speak in English? Helen answers: Well, first of all don’t worry. This is a completely